Engine starting

The car is fitted with an electronic engine lock device. If the engine fails to start, see paragraph “Fiat Code system” in section “Dashboard and controls”.

See also:

Periodically clean the rubber part using special products; TUTELA PROFESSIONAL SC 35 is recommended. If the rubber blades are bent or worn they should be replaced. In any case they should be chan ...

Hazard Warning Flashers
The Hazard Warning flasher switch is located on the instrument panel below the radio. Press the switch to turn on the Hazard Warning flashers. When the switch is activated, all directional turn ...

Ceiling lights
With toggling lens To replace a bulb: 1) Remove the ceiling light fig. 35 by releasing the clipped on lens frame in the point shown by the arrow. 2) Open the container A-fig. 36 and replace the b ...