Side bag

They are composed by two types of instant inflation and are housed in the back

They are composed by two types of instant inflation and are housed in the back rest of the front seats. The task of the side air bags is to increase protection of the occupants’ chest in the event of a side crash of medium-high severity.

    See also:

    Left-hand direction indicator
    The warning light on the dial turns on when the direction indicator control lever is moved downwards or, together with the right indicator, when the hazard warning light button is pressed. ...

    Front Seats Forward/Rearward Adjustment
    The adjusting bar is located at the front of the seats, near the floor. Adjusting Bar While sitting in the seat, lift up on the bar and move the seat forward or rearward. Release the bar once t ...

    Protecting the environment
    The devices for curtailing petrol engine emissions are the following: ❒ three-way catalytic converter; ❒ Lambda sensor; ❒ fuel evaporation system. In addition, do not let the ...