Accessories purchased by the owner

If after buying the car, you decide to install electrical accessories that require a permanent electric supply (alarm, satellite antitheft system, etc.) or accessories that in any case burden the electric supply, contact Fiat Dealership, whose qualified personnel, besides suggesting the most suitable devices belonging to Lineaccessori Fiat, will also evaluate the overall electric absorption, checking whether the car’s electric system is able to withstand the load required, or whether it needs to be integrated with a more powerful battery.

See also:

General warnings
WARNING If the warning light does not turn on when turning the ignition key to MAR or if it stays on when travelling, this could indicate a failure in safety retaining systems; under this condit ...

For checking and restoring pressure only
The compressor can be also used just for restoring pressure. Disconnect the quick connection and connect it directly to the tyre valve; in this way the cylinder is not connected to compressor and ...

Fuel level gauge
The needle shows the fuel present in the tank. When the fuel reserve warning light A-fig. 35 - 36 comes on (on certain versions with the dedicated message on the reconfigurable multifunction displ ...