Examine tires for excessive tread wear and uneven wear patterns. Check for stones, nails, glass, or other objects lodged in the tread or sidewall. Inspect the tread for cuts and cracks. Inspect sidewalls for cuts, cracks and bulges.
Check the wheel bolts for tightness. Check the tires (including spare) for proper cold inflation pressure.
Have someone observe the operation of exterior lights while you work the controls. Check turn signal and high beam indicator lights on the instrument panel.
Door Latches
Check for positive closing, latching, and locking.
Fluid Leaks
Check area under vehicle after overnight parking for fuel, engine coolant, oil, or other fluid leaks. Also, if gasoline fumes are detected or if fuel, power steering fluid, or brake fluid leaks are suspected, the cause should be located and corrected immediately.
See also:
For front passengers
Pull the flap towards yourself. Remove the ashtray (B) by pulling it upwards
as shown by the arrow for emptying it.
For rear passengers
For rear passengers there is a con ...
Rubber tubing
Follow the “Service Schedule” to the letter as concerns braking and fuel line
rubber tubing. Ozone, high temperatures and long absence of fluid in the system
can in fact cause the hardening and cr ...
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