Bump starting

Catalyzed vehicles must not be bump started (pushed, towed or coasted down

Catalyzed vehicles must not be bump started (pushed, towed or coasted down hill) as this could cause fuel to flow into the catalytic exhaust system and damage it beyond repair.

power steering systems will not work and a greater effort will therefore be required Remember that until the engine has started the brake booster and hydraulic power steering systems will not work and a greater effort will therefore be required to depress the brake pedal or turn the steering wheel.

    See also:

    Maintenance Procedures
    The pages that follow contain the required maintenance services determined by the engineers who designed your vehicle. Besides those maintenance items specified in the fixed maintenance schedule, ...

    Interior Care
    Use MOPAR Total Clean or equivalent to clean fabric upholstery and carpeting. Use MOPAR Total Clean or equivalent to clean vinyl upholstery. MOPAR Total Clean or equivalent is specifically recommend ...

    Quick Guide
    Radio Controls ...